
Confirmation is an important part of your child’s faith journey. Confirmation continues the journey that began in baptism, where we as the church and family of the child promise to raise them in the Christian faith. Confirmation seals that covenant we made as it prepares the confirmand to be a full member of the Church of Christ and prepares them to be a Christian in the world.

In our current global, digital age, it is an awesome time to be church. We have access to stories of faith from around the globe from a thousand different religions and creeds at our finger tips. It is especially important, then, that our youth learn their own faith so that they can engage with the world—those who believe similarly to us and those who don’t—in a way that builds relationships, learns about others in a respectful way, and deepens their own faith.

Confirmation is a three-year program that allows the confirmation student to explore their faith in a safe place, learn about the Bible, the Lutheran tradition, and what it means to be a Christian in our global, digital age. It is a journey that the entire church goes on with the confirmation student. And, above all else, confirmation is about forming the confirmation student in the faith.

To that end, confirmation at Faith Lutheran Church makes use of an exciting curriculum, field trips, service projects, mentoring, and more in order to prepare the confirmation student to be a member of the Church of Christ in the world.

Confirmands will be instructed using the Collaborate curriculum published by Spark House, a subsidiary of Augsburg Fortress Press (the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). This curriculum is designed to be question-based learning, allowing confirmands the freedom to ask questions as they grow in their faith. Collaborate uses humorous videos, fun activities, and discussion to teach confirmands about their faith.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation class is the second and fourth Sundays of every month, held at 10:00am during the Sunday School hour from September through May. To enroll your child in confirmation, contact the Director of Youth & Family Ministries.